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Company - Team
Bernie Porn, Founding Principal and President
Bernie Porn is a partner and President of EPIC▪MRA. Drawing
on over three decades of research and communication experience, Mr. Porn's
primary role with the firm involves the writing and analysis of
the survey research conducted for EPIC▪MRA 's clients. He
is also looked to by members of the media, academia and others for
commentary on the wide spectrum of topics researched by the firm.
Mr. Porn is a graduate of Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, majoring
in urban affairs and schooled in statistics. He was a staff member
in the Michigan House of Representatives for nineteen years, serving
as the Director of Communications from 1990 to 1992. He worked extensively
on the 1981 and 1991 Michigan legislative and congressional redistricting.
Contact me at: bernie@epicmra.com
Neal Richey, Data Analyst
Neal is responsible for the firm's custom programming and
sample production needs and has oversight of the firm's computer
network and website. With a degree in computer science and over thirty years of
experience with data processing and custom programming, Mr. Richey is
charged with the development and maintenance of all company and client
databases. He is also responsible for all data analysis including generating frequencies and
cross-tabs for all survey data collected.
Contact me at: neal@epicmra.com
Kelly Sullivan, Office Manager and Survey Administrator
Kelly is responsible for overseeing the scheduling of tasks
performed outside of the office, as well as assisting in the discharge
of the myriad of administrative details associated with projects. He
began his tenure with the firm twenty years ago as a part-time
interviewer, and his work ethic and attention to detail earned him a
full-time position with the company after earning his B.S. in
Mathematics from Michigan State University in 1999.
Contact me at: kelly@epicmra.com |